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Our Conscious Community

Empowering the Self, Empowers True Health.

We interpret the physical and emotional messages from our bodies, our life experiences, and the information we receive in each moment.  We weave these messages into our life stories. Like any talented writer, we have the ability to take our power back and shift the plot of our own story and create a new story, a story rooted in the truth of our authentic self.

When we take back power, we discover our infinite creativity to rewrite our vision of the past, explore the healing gifts in the challenges of now, and allow our imagination to run wild with our dreams for the future.  

This is a Mind, Body, & Spirit Healing Journey

Our Inspiration

Our Conscious Community Collaborative (CCC) was inspired by the documentary Is Your Story Making You Sick?”  The documentary follows the journey of eight courageous individuals as they transform their personal stories of pain, suffering, and breakdown into breakthroughs.  

Witness the trailer through this link:


Our Goal

As the Conscious Community Collaborative, our Holistic Providers are co-creating and collaborating with each other and the greater community to awaken the connections between mind, body, and spirit.  Through this collective awakening, TOGETHER we can empower healing at every level.

Contact Us

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Let us know if you wish to be notified of our future events, documentary screenings, or newsletter!

Our CCC Team